Te Tumu Paeroa is an independent, professional trustee organisation which protects and grows the assets of Māori landowners. We are proud to support the Ahuwhenua Trophy – Māori Excellence in Farming award in recognising Māori farmers who have achieved high aspirations for their land and who are creating a legacy of lasting benefit for the generations of the future.
Te Puni Kōkiri and the Ahuwhenua Trust are united in celebrating Māori excellence. Te Puni Kōkiri is proud to be the Platinum Sponsor of this prestigious award. The competition exemplifies Maori achievement in land based industries where a legacy of hard work, fortitude and innovation is demonstrated. Te Puni Kōkiri stands beside those responding to the wero, who are creating jobs, engaging young people and developing new ways of succeeding. We are proud to support their commitment and drive towards sustainable prosperity for the economy, the whenua and the people.
Primary ITO are proud to support the Ahuwhenua Young Māori Farmer/Grower Awards. Weaving our collective efforts for the benefit of our whānau and communities is what it means to be a young Māori farmer and grower today – we celebrate your successes as part of a long line of leaders, role models and mentors for those who follow. This is about whakapapa, the land and the people.
Beef + Lamb New Zealand is proud to support this prestigious award that celebrates excellence and innovation in Māori farming. These are values we promote through our work on behalf of all New Zealand sheep and beef farmers, and we welcome this opportunity to highlight the successful Māori-owned agribusinesses that help raise the bar across our industry.
Ahuwhenua Trophy Office 6.3 Level 6, Berl House 108 The Terrace