Wi Pere Trust - field day
12, MayAround 250 people attended the field day at the orchard of Wi Pere Trust at Waipaoa near Gisborne.
Wi Pere Trust is one of three finalists in this year’s Ahuwhenua Trophy for excellence in Māori horticulture award. The others finalists are: MIL – Whiritoa Orchards and Ngāi Tukairangi Trust. As par...
L-R (back Row): Rex Anderson (Whiritoa Property Manager), Ray Hiki (Whiritoa Canopy Supervisor), Paki Nikora and Parearau Nikora (Ahuwhenua Trophy Kaumatua) ; L-R (Front Row): Helen Scott (Whiritoa Orchard Manager) and Rana Paul (Whiritoa Kaimahi)
Despite the weather, a crowd of over 200 attended...
Back L-R:John O’Brien, Rex Anderson, Wayne Hall, Ratahi Cross, Te Hira Pere, Hon Willie Jackson Front L-R:Ray Hiki, Helen Scott, Trudy Meredith, Riri Ellis, Kingi Smiler
The finalists in this year’s Ahuwhenua Trophy for the top Māori horticulturalists have been announced at a special function he...
The finalists in the Ahuwhenua Young Māori Grower Award for 2023 have been announced. They are:
Alix Te Kere, Ngati Kuhungunu, Ngati Tu, Ngati Maru, Ngati Maniapoto. Health and Safety Advisor, Rockit Management Services, Hastings.
Erica Henare, Ngati Kahungunu, Ngati Maniapoto. Pip Fru...