Waewaetutuki 10, a 71 hectare dairy unit situated 15 kilometres from Te Puke, is owned by the Wharepī Whānau Trust. It is made up of two blocks, each of which had been leased for 30 years before they were amalgamated in 2000 to form Waewaetutuki 10. In 2009 the owners took over the management of the whenua with the assistance of the Māori Trustee.
Shortly after Waewaetutuki 10's herd of Friesian milking cows increased from 178 to 200. Milk production increased from 45,000kgs of milk solids in 2008 to an expected 'end of this season' estimate of 72,000kgs of milk solids.
In 2010 the Wharepī Whānau Trust leased a further 21 hectares close to Waewaetutuki 10 to cater for the increase in stock numbers. This fits in with the Trusts' long term strategy of expanding its farming operation by acquiring more land in order to sustain an economic base for its owners. The Wharepī Whānau Trust administers the land for around 60 shareholders, all of whom have links to Ngati Pukenga iwi.
At the time of the amalgamation, the Wharepī Whānau Trust put the regular distribution of dividends and kaumātua grants on hold while it instituted its new management regime. This year, however, they are in a position to pay kaumātua grants for the first time since the change and are considering distributions to owners and education grants as well.
Waewaetutuki 10 has 60 hectares in pasture, six hectares in maize production and five in waterways. It has upgraded its effluent discharge system and has worked alongside its neighbours and Transit NZ to clear side drains on State highway 2 to prevent continued flooding of its land.
"A robust waste management strategy is paramount," said Trust Chair, Rehua Smallman.
"The Kaikōkopu Stream that flows into the Little Waihī Estuary and is well known for fishing and kaimoana gathering runs close to our eastern boundary and we are committed to ensuring it, and our wider environment, are not compromised."
Ahuwhenua Trophy Office 6.3 Level 6, Berl House 108 The Terrace