L-R: Liam Sykes (Apple Manager), Makita Butcher-Herries (People and Culture Adviser) & Richard Pentreath (Regional Orchard Manager).
Ngāi Tukairangi Trust has orchard operations in four regions across the country. Our largest orchard operation is situated near Hastings in the Hawke’s Bay, which is a large-scale well-run horticultural business, with a total planted area of 106ha in 2022, mostly G3 and the remainder in apples. The land was purchased by the Trust in 2017 and compliments its other kiwifruit operations based in Kerikeri and in the Bay of Plenty where the head office of the Trust is situated. Our Heretaunga kiwifruit operations are unique in that they are entirely covered by overhead cloth. It is the largest area of overhead shelter within the country, offering protection against wind and hail, whilst the Hawke’s Bay’s winter provides optimal chilling and the potential for organic production in the future.
Ngāi Tukairangi Trust was a finalist in the inaugural 2020 horticulture competition with its Matapihi orchard near Tauranga.
Ahuwhenua Trophy Office 6.3 Level 6, Berl House 108 The Terrace