Rangatira 8A 17 Trust

2010 Dairy Finalists

Rangatira 8A 17 Trust

The Rangatira 8A 17 Trust administers a 221 hectare dairy farm at Broadlands, Reporoa on behalf of 1500 owners from the Rauhotu hapu of Ngati Tuwharetoa. The farm supports 530 dairy cows. The Trust manages it along with its 50/50 sharemilkers, Gary Armstrong and Julia Ranger, who are in their second season on the farm. The Rangatira 8A 17 Trust also administers 15 hectares in three separate land blocks within Taupo township on behalf of 3 separate groups of owners. Driven by the desire to rebuild their owner's asset base and support their whanau they subdivided some of the land and, with the profits, invested in commercial rental properties and kaumatua housing.