Pakihiroa Farms

2011 Sheep and Beef Finalists

Pakihiroa Farms

Pakihiroa Farms is a 3140ha property of medium to steep country which includes the Ngati Porou ancestral mountain, Hikurangi, in its boundaries.

Owned by Te Runanga o Ngati Porou which bought the property back from the Williams family in 1985, Pakiroa is operated as a commercially independent limited liability company. It runs 10,700 stock units on 1,356 effective grazeable ha which also includes 210 hectares of pine forest fenced and planted to protect waterways and 115 hectares eucalyptus planted to sequester carbon. Both plantings are part of the farms erosion control strategy. The balance of the property includes Hikurangi maunga and part of the Raukumara Range. Official access for trampers to Mount Hikurangi, internationally renowned as the first place to see the rising sun, is through Pakihiroa.