Ngāti Awa Farms Ltd – Ngakauroa Farm

2014 Dairy Finalists

Ngāti Awa Farms Ltd – Ngakauroa Farm

Ngakauroa Farm is located in very good dairy farming country on the Rangitaiki Plains about 12 kms from Whakatane. The farm comes under the Ngāti Awa umbrella and was purchased by Ngāti Awa Group Holdings in 2008 and includes six Ngāti Awa land trusts; Kiwinui, Putauaki, Omataroa, Te Ihukatia and MK Ratahi. This was the first major asset purchase by Ngāti Awa following the settlement of its treaty claim with the government in 2005. There are approximately 22,000 people who affiliate to Ngāti Awa.

Ngāti Awa Group Holdings own 51% of the farm and the balance of 49% is owned by the various trusts affiliated to Ngāti Awa.
The property runs 620 friesian cows on the 186ha milking platform and they are milked through a 40 aside herringbone shed. The farm aims to produce 240,000 kgMS this year. The herd is owned by Ngāti Awa Group Holdings, but run by a 21% variable order sharemilker.
Environmental issues are high on the agenda of Ngakauroa Farm and they have a big focus on reducing nitrogen leaching on the property. They are in process of putting in place policies to further reduce their environmental footprint.