Kiriroa Station

2019 Sheep and Beef Finalists

Kiriroa Station - Eugene & Pania King

Kiriroa Station is owned and operatered by husband and wife team, Eugene and Pania King.

For 12 years they farmed in a whānau partnership. They all had one goal in common, to one day all own their own farms. The whānau knew that with hard work, commitment, and determination their goal would be reached. Eugene and Pania are grateful to have had the opportunity to farm with whānau, and are proud of what has been achieved.

In 2013 Eugene and Pania decided they had built enough equity to finally go out on their own. After a year long search for a farm, they found Kiriroa. In March 2014 they moved to Motu to start a new chapter in their lives.

Kiriroa is a special place to the Kings. They feel lucky to have taonga like the Motu river, and consider themselves kaitiaki to the 2.2 km of the river flowing through Kiriroa.

The Motu Valley is home to weka – and because of their declining numbers, in 2015 Eugene and Pania retired 2ha of land for them. With the help of the Gisborne District Council, Motu School, as well as support from the community, native plants were planted and a weka wetland habitat was established. With ongoing monitoring and maintaining the habitat, the weka are thriving.

There are three QEII covenants on Kiriroa and a further two to be done within the next three years.

Kiriroa is a sheep and beef property situated in the Motu Valley, 72 km north west of Gisborne. The property is 483ha, (357 effective). 60ha flat, 200ha med hill, with the balance being steep hill. They trade cattle and finish all stock on farm and are currently wintering 3,800 stock units; a mix of 40% cattle and 60% sheep.

Soil types are predominately pumice with some sedimentary. The property has an annual rainfall of 2.1 – 2.5 metres, with altitude ranging from  500m asl – 732m. Motu Valley is regarded as summer safe, but does have long, cold winters. Regular snow falls are not uncommon. 

The King whānau is very supportive of whānau, community, marae and school; living and breathing their whakatauaki:

Poipoia te whenua, te wai, te hunga tangata ano hoki e ora tonu ia tatou!
Look after the land, water, and the people, and all will look after you!